Even After Opting Out, Your Data May Still Be Shared

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Recent US research has revealed that, in many cases, user data is still being collected, processed and shared even when users opt out through a Consent Management Platform (CMP). This discovery has raised important questions about the effectiveness of CMPs for protecting online data privacy.


What is a Consent Management Platform (CMP)?

A Consent Management Platform or CMP is an online application used to manage user consent on websites and applications. These platforms enable website owners to clearly inform users of how their personal data and information will be used, ask permission from the user to use it, and register what permissions have been granted by the user. The platform should also allow the user to easily modify or revoke any permissions previously given. By opting out through a CMP, users can ensure that their personal data is not collected and shared without their knowledge or consent.

However, recent US research has highlighted how CMPs may not always provide adequate protection for online privacy. It was found that even when a user opts out through one of these platforms, their personal information can still be collected, processed and shared by third parties without the user’s permission. This means it is important for users to remain informed about new developments in technology related to online privacy, and take steps to ensure that their personal data remains secure.

Are Regulations Enough To Protect Your Privacy?

The research paper concluded that regulations are not enough to protect online privacy, and some CMPs were found to be missing key features necessary for adequate data protection. It was noted that even when a user opts out through one of these platforms, their personal information can still be collected, processed and shared by third parties without the user’s knowledge or consent.

What Can Users Do To Protect Their Online Privacy?

It is important to stay informed about new developments in technology related to online privacy and take steps to ensure that your personal data remains secure. Here are some tips:

  • Research the CMPs available to ensure they offer all of the features necessary for adequate data protection.
  • Regularly check your privacy settings on social media platforms and other websites to make sure you are only granting access to those who need it.
  • Pay attention to the terms and conditions when signing up for a new service or application.
  • Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to secure your connection when browsing online.
  • Make sure that your data is only shared with companies and organisations which are reputable and have strong policies in place to protect user information.
  • If a website or application does not offer an opt-out option through a CMP, users should consider discontinuing their usage of the service and explore alternative options.


A Consent Management Platform (CMP) provides a useful tool for managing user consent on websites and applications, but it does not guarantee complete online privacy protection. It is essential that users stay informed about their online privacy rights and take steps to protect their personal data. While regulations may provide some degree of protection, opting out through a Consent Management Platform does not always guarantee complete online privacy, which means it is important for users to be aware of the potential data-sharing risks. With a bit of research and attention, users can take steps to ensure their online privacy is better protected.