Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have made a revolutionary discovery. They have found that if an electric car charges while driving, the size of the battery can be reduced by up to 70 per cent. This has the potential to completely transform the way we think about and use electric cars. In this article, we’ll explore what this new technology means for electric vehicles and how it could revolutionise transportation as we know it.
The technology behind electric roads works by transferring energy from one vehicle to another in order to charge batteries while vehicles are in motion. To do this, special strips of metal are embedded within road surfaces which generate a magnetic field when powered by electricity. When a vehicle drives over these strips, it is inductively charged, meaning that power is transferred from the road to the car without any wires or cables.
The primary benefit of electric roads is that they allow for vehicles to be charged while in motion – meaning that drivers can recharge their cars’ batteries as they drive. This could greatly reduce the need for charging stations and increase the range of electric cars significantly. Additionally, by charging cars while they are in motion, battery size could theoretically be reduced by up to 70 per cent – making electric vehicles both more efficient and cheaper. Finally, electric roads can provide an alternative energy source to power other roadside devices such as traffic lights and signage – helping create a more sustainable future.
While electric roads hold great potential, there are still many challenges to overcome before they can become widely used. For example, the technology requires significant safety testing and infrastructure upgrades before it can be implemented on a large scale. Additionally, electric road systems will need to be integrated with existing power grids and managed efficiently in order for them to work effectively. Finally, electric roads could be expensive to implement initially – meaning that governments would need to provide adequate funding in order for them to become viable solutions.
Electric roads have the potential to revolutionise transportation as we know it by making electric vehicles more efficient and cost-effective, while also reducing our reliance on traditional fuel sources. While there are still many challenges to overcome, the technology holds great promise for the future of transportation and could be a game-changer in the years to come.