Google’s Limited Indemnity for Duet AI: Promoting Responsible and Ethical Use of Generative AI

In a recent blog post, Google announced that it will provide limited indemnity and assume responsibility for any potential legal risks customers may face when using its generative AI products, known as Duet AI.

Unlocking the Potential of Synthetic Data for Businesses Today: An Overview of Benefits and Challenges.

Synthetic data is a powerful tool that can help businesses to gain an edge in the market. It is generated using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms, enabling organizations to create artificial datasets which are statistically similar to real-world data sets but do not contain any sensitive information....

Protecting Your Business’s Chatbot Systems From Attackers: What You Should Know

Chatbots are automated computer programs that interact with users through natural language processing. They can be used to provide information, answer questions, and even buy products and services.

Navigating The AI Era: Challenges and Opportunities For Professional Actors in Hollywood.

The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) recently went on strike over fears that artificial intelligence (AI) could threaten their profession, potentially reducing actors' earnings.