Key Cyber Security Statistics

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for businesses and individuals alike. With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and prevalent, understanding the latest cybersecurity statistics is not just beneficial; it’s essential for proactive protection and strategic planning.

Key Statistics

  • Over the last 13 months there was over 380,000 reports of fraud & cybercrime in the UK
  • Most Cyber criminals are now focusing on data theft & extortion
  • 11% of businesses and 8% of charities experienced cuber crime in the last 12 months
  • Ransomware attacks affected 73% of UK organisations over a 12 month period
  • 31% of companies have policies to apply software security updates
  • 3 in 10 businesses have undertaken cyber security risk assessments

Staying ahead with the latest cybersecurity statistics isn't just about numbers; it's about securing futures. Understand the trends, protect your assets, and lead with confidence.

Rob Morrow - We Do Your Cyber Security
Image of Rob Managing Director

What is data theft and extortion?

Data theft and extortion are significant concerns in today’s digital landscape, posing serious threats to individuals and businesses alike. Data theft involves the unauthorized access and retrieval of personal or corporate information, ranging from sensitive personal details to intellectual property and financial records. This stolen data can then be used in various malicious ways, including identity theft, financial fraud, and competitive espionage. Extortion comes into play when cybercriminals demand payment from victims, threatening to release the stolen data publicly or use it in harmful ways unless their demands are met. This not only compromises privacy and security but can also lead to substantial financial losses and damage to reputation. It’s crucial for everyone, especially businesses, to adopt robust security measures and stay informed about potential threats to mitigate the risks associated with these cybercrimes effectively.

What ransomware and how can it affect you.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system or data until a sum of money is paid. For businesses, the impact of a ransomware attack can be devastating. It not only halts operations by locking critical files and systems but also poses a significant risk to sensitive data, potentially leading to substantial financial losses and damage to the company’s reputation. In today’s digital age, protecting your company from such threats is paramount. With our Cyber Security services, we provide robust security measures and proactive monitoring to safeguard your business against ransomware attacks, ensuring peace of mind and the continuity of your operations. Our focus is on prevention, quick response, and recovery, equipping your business with the tools and support needed to thrive in a secure digital environment.

The importance of software security updates.

In today’s digital era, ensuring the security of your software is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Frequent software security updates play a crucial role in safeguarding against the latest threats and vulnerabilities. By staying current with updates, you’re not only protecting your data but also enhancing the performance and reliability of your software. Think of these updates as a shield, one that constantly evolves to offer stronger defence against cyber threats. This proactive approach to Cyber Security helps mitigate risks, keeping your operations smooth and secure. With peace of mind as our top priority, we emphasise the importance of regular updates. After all, in the fast-paced world of technology, staying ahead means staying secure.

What is a password policy and why is it important?

A password policy is a set of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords and use them properly. It’s vital for several reasons. Firstly, it acts as the first line of defence against unauthorised access to your organisation’s data and systems. By mandating complex passwords that are changed regularly, it significantly reduces the risk of breaches. Additionally, a robust password policy ensures that all users within the system adhere to best practices, like avoiding common or previously breached passwords, which further fortifies your IT environment against cyber threats. Implementing a stringent password policy not only protects sensitive information from potential cyber-attacks but also fosters a culture of security awareness among employees, making it an essential aspect of an organisation’s overall security strategy.