Teams Usage Stats

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91 of Fortune 100 Companies Use Teams

Microsoft Teams was first launched in 2017 as software to make communication more accessible and streamlined for any team, group or business. Unfortunately, it would take another three years before we would all realize just how essential the software could be – and with the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft Teams became a staple of the remote-working business almost overnight.

91% of Fortune 100 companies use Microsoft Teams to stay in touch with their businesses and client base. So if you want to run your business with less travel time and more active work flowing your way, Microsoft Teams could help.

Did you know that as much as 30% of Microsoft Teams users used the software to remove work during the COVID-pandemic?

That’s not all.

Microsoft Teams might be one of the most influential pieces of software in business communication right now. Without it, you might not be getting your message across to your entire business when you need it to be precise.

Here’s what you should know about Microsoft Teams by the numbers

Good Fortune

An estimated 91% of Fortune 100 companies make use of Microsoft Teams. Success is all about communication, and this might be the statistic that proves it.

Third Eye

Just under 30% of users said they were using Microsoft Teams as the primary method of connecting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Microsoft Teams kept thousands of companies in touch, with many businesses switching to remote teams to stay active during the pandemic.

A Powerful Force

According to Microsoft themselves, an estimated 145 million daily users were using the platform in 2020. With more businesses moving to Microsoft Teams, the number is only expected to increase – and you don’t want to be the one business left out of the loop!

Over 9,000!

Microsoft Teams was one of the few apps that could brag with more than 2,225,000 downloads from the Google Play Store. At the time of writing in 2021, Microsoft Teams is far outperforming similar software and sites like Slack as a way to stay in touch with your company.

The Month of Meetings

Microsoft Teams was the host for more than 30 million meetings within a single month, just for select companies in the healthcare industry. Can you imagine just how many meetings are flying around the Microsoft Teams platform right now?


Microsoft Teams is prevalent everywhere. During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies saw a considerable jump in Microsoft Teams’ use for business connections, including 500% in China and more than 700% in Italy. It might seem like everyone is using Teams right now… If you aren’t, why aren’t you?

How High?

According to Microsoft, the platform’s weekly users saw a 300% jump in just a month (February to March). As a result, teams have become more than just a popular piece of software… Right now, it’s almost as good as a business essential!

Microsoft Teams is popular in several industries, including IT, sales and healthcare. But, no matter what you hope to connect with, Microsoft Teams can help you stay in touch and organized.

If you would like to find out how your business can use Teams, then get in touch today.