Tragedies On TikTok

Following a BBC report which suggested that TikTok was making money from families in Syrian camps begging for donations on its platform, we take a closer look at what’s happened and what’s being done about it.
Will Zoom’s New feature Make it a ‘One Stop Shop’?

Zoom has announced that its new (beta) productivity tools, Zoom Mail and Calendar (clients and Services), combined with its existing features, will mean that workers will have everything they need in one app.
Could Amazon’s Sparrow Robot replace Humans

Amazon is reportedly testing the machine learning ‘Sparrow’ robot arm that could handle 65 percent of its 100+ million diverse parcels.
13% of Meta’s work Force has been cut off

Meta has announced that it is laying off a massive 13 per cent of its workforce globally in restructuring market uncertainty about the Metaverse vision.
Twitters New ‘Blue Tick’

Following announcements that Twitter under Musk will generate revenue by blue tick subscriptions, we look at what this means and at the blue tick chaos that followed the announcement.
Getting Rid Of Microplastics with a Robot Fish

A prototype of an award-winning robotic fish design that filters water to trap micro plastics has now been tested in lakes and the lab.
‘Matter’: What Is It?

Here we look at what Matter 1.0 is, its advantages for the IoT and setting up a smart home (or office), and what its current limitations are.
Learn More about Voice Commands and Speech recognition

In this insight, we look at how you can use voice commands to carry out tasks in Windows, plus how speech recognition technology can be used for voice control of different systems and devices.
New WhatsApp Features: ‘Communities’, In-Chat Polls and more

Meta’s WhatsApp has announced the global rollout of its ‘Communities’ feature along with in-chat polls, 32-person video calls, and groups with up to 1024 users.
Could ‘PimEyes’ be used for Stalking and Unlawful surveillance?

Privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch has filed a complaint to the ICO that the face recognition search engine PimEyes may be unlawful and could enable surveillance and stalking.